Hi Laura - I really enjoyed this essay. Having left my country of birth, India, more than 30 years ago, I now call US my home. I think where we live does not matter as much as where we feel we belong. And we belong where we build deep, meaningful relationships. In the end, we don’t defend a piece of land, we defend our relationships. That is how I look at my home in the US now. Yes there is a lot of ugliness we need to confront. How we deal with that is up to us. Best.

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That's a beautiful sentiment and it warms my heart. Some of us are always looking for home. You are fortunate to have found it. Thanks for reading, Naveen,

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until they throw you out of the country naveen just a matter of time

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I was out with a group of old and new friends in Porto yesterday, and inevitably our conversation turned toward discussing the current geopolitical landscape. Our group of friends includes people from France, Spain, Poland, Ukraine, Russia, Brazil, UK, US, Romania, and many other countries. One thing we pretty much all agree on is that, for now at least, we have chosen to live in one of the relatively safest places we can be. Even so, we talked a lot about the uncertainty of the future, preparedness, and the urgency of forming strong communities to be resilient in the coming collapse. Portugal has a history of being a place of refuge in wartime.

I want to point out something that really stands out to me in my conversations with the Ukrainians and Russians who are old enough to have lived through the collapse of the USSR as adults or older teens: they confirm that the kinds of things happening in the US now are very much like what happened in the lead-up to the collapse of the USSR. I knew it already from my knowledge of history, but it does hit different to actually hear it directly from the mouth of a Russian or Ukrainian who has lived experience.

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Thanks for this and yes. The ex USSR folks saw it coming a mile off. Once you've been through it, it's not a difficult thing to spot. When I was tracking the deaths of the despair in the U.S., I was thinking about the Soviet collapse. Same thing -- enormous spikes in the death rate -- and completely unheard of in rich democracies.

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My impression is that we are all in for an uncertain 5-10 years. I've thought a lot about safer places to live than the US but now I'm 77 and probably too old to put down new roots. You are living in a country that appreciates the need for preparedness and is willing to fight to stay free. I wonder these days if the younger generation in the US even understands or appreciates what freedom actually requires. I appreciate your courageous decision to protect your family.

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Well said.

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Sobering. Grateful for your insights and your voice.

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Thank you so much.

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Wow!!! Very sobering. 🫣

I'm after all the expat posts I can get my eyes on. Like yours. Living vicariously through all your experiences.

The voice in my head is roaring. Admittedly, it could be PTSD from my born and bred Venezuela.

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laura thanks i dont have the disposable capital to employ for your paid yet but i do love the notes you send thanks nash from canada

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Thank you! Much appreciated. And no capital needed, as of yet! Notes from Exile is open for everyone, until such time as I can't keep the lights on....

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lets hope your European side wins over your American side and you can keep the lights on forever

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A fine essay, Laura. These moods transcend international boundaries.

These suspicious vessels you refer to are also to be seen off the coast of neutral Ireland, thought to be mapping the placement of undersea infrastructure. A report I read yesterday stated that only one of Ireland's four naval vessels has guns that are capable of actually firing--not exactly reflecting a "state of readiness." (Once when four jet fighter plans flew overhead in Dublin I remarked, they're from the Irish Air Force. My colleague corrected me saying, "That IS the Irish Air Force.")

The mood this year in Nice is strikingly different from a year ago. I see few residents out shopping or enjoying the Christmas fairs. After the massive crowds of summer, some here for the Olympic Games, it strikes an eerie contrast. But then the politics of the country are grim--four prime ministers in a single year, and two political leaders--right and left--seemingly keen on securing the President's resignation to force an election that would, I think, only make things worse, no matter which direction things took.

Still I'm glad to be here rather than in country we left 15 years ago. But as you say, it doesn't ever leave your system.

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Thank you for your kind comments and for reading. I didn't know that the ghost ships were off the Irish coast, as well. And as I was writing this, I kept checking the news about these mysterious drones in the East Coast of the U.S. Someone is definitely up to something. I send my condolences about the French government. It does look like the German-France alliance that powered the EU is sputtering to a halt. It's a bad world right now.

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This is a sobering reminder that if not careful we can relocate from the frying pan directly into the fire. My reasons for relocating had nothing to do with government until (our own) in the past four years had failed miserably beyond anything experienced in my life time. If you would have asked me about governmental positions, who occupied them, and anything about the individual's history (prior) I would have been embarrassed to admit I knew nothing about our government except from the few talks at the dinner table so many years ago, and what was learned and forgotten in school.

Starting back in May of this year I took a heated interest and firmly planted my feet on the ground to take a controversial position from that I'd taken over a lifetime.

I truly believe we are in a world-changing position of super powers and what life for the little guy might look like moving forward. There is too much wealth and power in the hands of nefarious figures and bad actors who care little to nothing about the whole of humanityand our beautiful, once bountiful Mother Earth. I'm 66.8 years old and for me, it's really difficult to plan a future. I'm trekking down the other side of the mountain of life. Mistakes made (for me) could potentially cost me my home, the clothes on my back and food for survival... not an easy pill to swallow.

This is really the first time in my life that courage and resilience are being tested.

This was a fantastically written article. I only recently found you, and feel somewhat a kindred spirit to you. Thank you for your work.

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Thank you so much. I agree that the world is in peril right now. I hope you land in a safe and happy place. It’s brave to look for one.

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I understand heeding that inner voice saying "danger danger" but was it saying "get out"? And your choice to get out & land adjacent to what has traditionally been the Big Bad Wolf is interesting. Perhaps remaining to endure & fight is a better option; better to create what you want when it's nowhere to be found.

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Thank you so much for sharing this. The seriousness has been very close to my heart.

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Thank you for reading.

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By pushing the NATO borders eastward, the American neocons broke the post Cold War compromise reached with Gorbatchev, i.e. reunified Germany against no NATO expansion. Russia must fight against this extension for strategic reasons and existential purpose. It can't be weak in Europe because its major threat, China, is watching.

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I’m assuming this is 9 out of 10?

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You know, I honestly don't know where that 9 came from. I would have said 10. Your essay is haunting, just like the world is right now. I believe that my dog Lola is not long for this life, and the US is playing out like those horror movies I always refused to watch. I feel like I've been so naive politically and maybe that was best, at least for me. But now I believe in Monsters. And mini-me monsters on their knees.

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I actually feel quite guilty that I didn’t stay and fight. I certainly feel a fight is coming. I think I took the easier option and the better one for the kids.

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Russia, Russia, Russia!

The danger is ALWAYS about Russia and from no where else isn't it? And your "expert opinion" on all things Russian matters here doesn't it?

The invasion of long "Nazified" and Jewish run Ukraine by jewess Victoria Neuland and installed puppet and the world's only multi billionaire comedian (not funny at all) Zelenskyy, also a jew - what could possibly go wrong - i know let's ask the living and 100 million non living Russian Orthodox population under jews Lenin, Trotsky and Stalin in the 20th century...

The Ukraine remains among the very top of most corrupted and poorest countries in the world today - but NOT Zelenskyy! Not poor there, unless you ask him.

Sweden? Really? You couldn't have picked a more dangerous European nation nicknamed "Rapefugee Haven" for years in a row now, complete with no go cities because of all these embraced illegals? Sweden got exactly what they asked for. And looks like some very poor research there on your part, pardner.

Sounds very paranoid to me leaving the US because of the reasons you listed Laura, and because you don't want your kids growing up under these conditions. What conditions might those exactly be? America though is falling by design thanks to all the progressive neo Marxists - but is still the best place to stay as a haven of Liberty and good change possible.

Ah but you finally realized: There is NO LITERAL SAFE PLACE ON THIS EARTH!

But there is a Safe Place and His initials are C.hrist J.esus. You can bank on this.

How do I know this with total assurance?

Because God's Word prophesies this future scenario and has NEVER BEEN WRONG!

Want to give your kids this assurance and the gift that keeps on giving?

Then Gift them God's Word - the truly free and eternal Gift that makes an offer that only a total fool would refuse - and this world is full of fools.

Begin reading the book of Daniel and Revelation, so you too will come to know the future and just what will yet come to pass.

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Sad isn't it?

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I do appreciate Laura Skov's decision to leave your comment up so that we may hear the angry voice and madness of the gathering darkness her essay warns of.

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