Jul 9Liked by Laura Skov

As a US citizen who is an immigrant in Europe, I truly think that Americans can only continue to believe the US is the greatest country because they are unaware of how democracy and the legal and governmental systems work in other countries.

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From my perspective, it is very difficult to make that claim if you know anything at all, but people do. In any case, it was never true for all of us and true for some of us for a very short window at different periods. Maybe it’s time to retire the slogan?

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Jul 8Liked by Laura Skov

It’s alarming. How does this end?

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There is so much uncertainty right now, but I imagine the pressure on the left to expand the court could force change. But we have to win first. And it would be a mess.

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Trump was wrong to bring pressure on Sweden, but I see bail as more than just a way to "buy your way out of custody." It seems like an attempt to balance the competing priorities of minimizing flight risk and not incarcerating suspects who are accused but not yet convicted. In the absence of bail, does Sweden waive pre-trail detention for suspects not considered flight risks?

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