Love reading an ”outsider” point of view on Sweden 🇸🇪 And your insight in the US

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I've also occasionally heard from contacts about leaving the US, but it is usually more musing than an idea that could develop into a plan. A few people have said it was 'brave' of us to flee, though I don't see it that way, since the issue that drove us to leave 15 years ago was healthcare. Surviving and avoiding financial devastation doesn't feel like bravery to me.

One can argue that how healthcare is practiced in the U.S. sometimes comprises a form of violence--economic violence, clearly, but to cause suffering in the name of satisfying shareholders can be seen that way as well.

Safety and security arrive in different guises, whether safety from gun violence or the security of knowing that if you become ill or an accident befalls you, there will be care and it will not bankrupt you.

It's hard not to be angry about the things that drove us away. But it is also hard to not keep looking back, wishing for things to change for our families and fellow U.S. citizens. I hope some of our observations help, even if in some small way. Things don't have to remain the way they are.

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Very well said. The U.S. healthcare system is absolutely depraved. I'm glad you had the wherewithal to leave. I'm also hoping that by our highlighting how life is here, it will embolden people to demand a better and fairer system there. I can't imagine that we won't be reaching a tipping point soon.

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I hope you have found peace in your new home.

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